Daniel Cook

Daniel Cook is Reader in English at the University of Dundee in Scotland. After completing his PhD at the University of Cambridge, he held a Leverhulme Research Fellowship at the University of Bristol, a Visiting Professorship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and library fellowships at Harvard and Yale. He is the author of Walter Scott and Short Fiction (2021), Reading Swift’s Poetry (2020), and Thomas Chatterton and Neglected Genius, 1760-1830 (2013).

Daniel Cook

Daniel Cook is Reader in English at the University of Dundee in Scotland. After completing his PhD at the University of Cambridge, he held a Leverhulme Research Fellowship at the University of Bristol, a Visiting Professorship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and library fellowships at Harvard and Yale. He is the author of Walter Scott and Short Fiction (2021), Reading Swift’s Poetry (2020), and Thomas Chatterton and Neglected Genius, 1760-1830 (2013).

Books by Daniel Cook